Tuesday, March 27, 2007

'Twas the night before China and all through the house...

If I had even half a brain cell left I might be able to come up with something remotely clever in the Clement Clark Moore style, but I just don't have it in me. It's been a crazy, busy day and I'm just going to be so glad to get on that airplane and not have to think of what else to pack and where to pack it.

We have seven, yes SEVEN suitcases!! Half of those are for donations for two orphanages though.
We'll now be posting all of our trip updates on our www.tochinaformeilin.blogspot.com site. There's a link in the right navigation bar as well.
Off to bed...or to Walgreens to get a watch since no one in our house seems to have a functioning watch....HOW did I forget to think about a watch??? We don't wear watches anymore because we have our cell phones, I guess.

Goodnight. We can't wait to post from China!!!

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